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Motion Override Overview

Motion Override is a feature that allows you to take over the motion for certain part of the body. You can use it to limit the motion of the actor, adding motions to the dance move or changing the motion for a specific body part.


Before you dive into the details of how to use Motion Override, you can try out some of the presets that come with DanceXR. You can find them in the Motion Override menu.


These options controls how the body moves. You can set position and rotation locks, And set offset, rotation, bend and twist for the torso.

Head Pose

Change rotation of head

Rocking Motion

Adding rocking motion to the actor. You can set the rocking motion to be in sync with the music beat, and fine tune the motion by changing the rocking speed, amplitude and phase.

Hand Pose

Changing the hand and arm pose.

Ride Model

Load an external model for the actor to ride on.