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While we aim for maximum compatibility, it is also important to know that MMD doesn’t have a strict standard which makes it very hard to be compatible with everything.

PMX Bone Structure

A typical PMX bone strucutre that works well with DanceXR.

  └全ての親 (master) (Master)
    ├センター () (Center)*
    │ └グルーブ (groove) (Groove)
    │   ├腰 (waist) (Waist)
    │   │ └下半身 () (HipMaster)
    │   │   ├左足 () (LeftLeg)*
    │   │   │ └左ひざ () (LeftKnee)*
    │   │   │   └左足首 () (LeftAnkle)*
    │   │   │     └左つま先 () (LeftToe)
    │   │   └右足 () (RightLeg)*
    │   │     └右ひざ () (RightKnee)*
    │   │       └右足首 () (RightAnkle)*
    │   │         └右つま先 () (RightToe)
    │   └上半身 () (Torso)*
    │     └上半身2 (upper body2) (Torso2)
    │       ├右胸 () (RightBreast)
    │       │ └右胸先 () (RightBreastTip)
    │       ├左胸 () (LeftBreast)
    │       │ └左胸先 () (LeftBreastTip)
    │       ├右肩P (shoulderP_R) (RightShoulderP)
    │       │ └右肩 () (RightShoulder)*
    │       │   └右肩C () (RightShoulderC)
    │       │     └右腕 () (RightArm)*
    │       │       ├右腕捩 (arm twist_R) (RightArmTwist)
    │       │       │ └右ひじ () (RightElbow)*
    │       │       │   └右手首 () (RightWrist)*
    │       │       │     ├右手先 () (RightHandTip)
    │       │       │     ├右小指1 () (RightPinky1)
    │       │       │     │ └右小指2 () (RightPinky2)
    │       │       │     │   └右小指3 () (RightPinky3)
    │       │       │     │     └右小指先 () (RightPinkyTip)
    │       │       │     ├右薬指1 () (RightRingFinger1)
    │       │       │     │ └右薬指2 () (RightRingFinger2)
    │       │       │     │   └右薬指3 () (RightRingFinger3)
    │       │       │     │     └右薬指先 () (RightRingFingerTip)
    │       │       │     ├右中指1 () (RightMiddleFinger1)
    │       │       │     │ └右中指2 () (RightMiddleFinger2)
    │       │       │     │   └右中指3 () (RightMiddleFinger3)
    │       │       │     │     └右中指先 () (RightMiddleFingerTip)
    │       │       │     ├右人指1 () (RightIndexFinger1)
    │       │       │     │ └右人指2 () (RightIndexFinger2)
    │       │       │     │   └右人指3 () (RightIndexFinger3)
    │       │       │     │     └右人指先 () (RightIndexFingerTip)
    │       │       │     └右親指1 () (RightThumb1)
    │       │       │       └右親指2 () (RightThumb2)
    │       │       │         └右親指先 () (RightThumbTip)
    │       ├左肩P (shoulderP_L) (LeftShoulderP)
    │       │ └左肩 () (LeftShoulder)*
    │       │   └左肩C () (LeftShoulderC)
    │       │     └左腕 () (LeftArm)*
    │       │       ├左腕捩 (arm twist_L) (LeftArmTwist)
    │       │       │ └左ひじ () (LeftElbow)*
    │       │       │   └左手首 () (LeftWrist)*
    │       │       │     ├左手先 () (LeftHandTip)
    │       │       │     ├左小指1 () (LeftPinky1)
    │       │       │     │ └左小指2 () (LeftPinky2)
    │       │       │     │   └左小指3 () (LeftPinky3)
    │       │       │     │     └左小指先 () (LeftPinkyTip)
    │       │       │     ├左薬指1 () (LeftRingFinger1)
    │       │       │     │ └左薬指2 () (LeftRingFinger2)
    │       │       │     │   └左薬指3 () (LeftRingFinger3)
    │       │       │     │     └左薬指先 () (LeftRingFingerTip)
    │       │       │     ├左中指1 () (LeftMiddleFinger1)
    │       │       │     │ └左中指2 () (LeftMiddleFinger2)
    │       │       │     │   └左中指3 () (LeftMiddleFinger3)
    │       │       │     │     └左中指先 () (LeftMiddleFingerTip)
    │       │       │     ├左人指1 () (LeftIndexFinger1)
    │       │       │     │ └左人指2 () (LeftIndexFinger2)
    │       │       │     │   └左人指3 () (LeftIndexFinger3)
    │       │       │     │     └左人指先 () (LeftIndexFingerTip)
    │       │       │     └左親指1 () (LeftThumb1)
    │       │       │       └左親指2 () (LeftThumb2)
    │       │       │         └左親指先 () (LeftThumbTip)
    │       └首 () (Neck)
    │         └頭 () (Head)*
    │           ├両目 () (Eyes)
    │           ├右目 () (RightEye)
    │           │ └右目戻 () (RightEye戻)
    │           └左目 () (LeftEye)
    │             └左目戻 () (LeftEye戻)
    ├右足IK親 (leg IKP_R) (RightLegIKParent)
    ├左足IK親 (leg IKP_L) (LeftLegIKParent)
    ├左足IK () (LeftLegIK)
    │ └左つま先IK () (LeftToeIK)
    └右足IK () (RightLegIK)
      └右つま先IK () (RightToeIK)

* indicates required bones

Most PMX models should work fine unless they are missing the requried bones. DanceXR will automatically create the remaining bones that it needs such as IK bones.

XPS Bone Structure

A sample bone structure of XPS (XNALara) models:

  └root ground (Master)
    ├unused (unused)
      ├unused.001 (unused.001)
      ├unused.002 (unused.002)
      └root hips (Center)*
        └ (Groove)
          ├ (Waist)
          │ └pelvis (HipMaster)
          │   ├leg left thigh (LeftLeg)*
          │   │ └leg left knee (LeftKnee)*
          │   │   └leg left ankle (LeftAnkle)*
          │   │     └leg left toes (LeftToe)
          │   └leg right thigh (RightLeg)*
          │     └leg right knee (RightKnee)*
          │       └leg right ankle (RightAnkle)*
          │         └leg right toes (RightToe)
          └spine lower (Torso)*
            └spine middle (Torso1)
              └spine upper (Torso2)
                ├head neck lower (Neck)
                │ └head neck upper (Head)*
                │   ├head eyelid left upper (LeftEyelidUpper)
                │   ├head eyeball right (RightEye)
                │   ├head eyeball left (LeftEye)
                │   ├head eyelid left lower (LeftEyelidLower)
                │   ├head eyelid right lower (RightEyelidLower)
                │   ├head eyelid right upper (RightEyelidUpper)
                ├arm left shoulder 1 (LeftShoulder)*
                │ └arm left shoulder 2 (LeftArm)*
                │   ├arm left elbow (LeftElbow)*
                │   │ ├arm left wrist (LeftWrist)*
                │   │ │ ├arm left finger 1a (LeftThumb1)
                │   │ │ │ └arm left finger 1b (LeftThumb2)
                │   │ │ │   └arm left finger 1c (LeftThumbTip)
                │   │ │ ├arm left finger 2a (LeftIndexFinger1)
                │   │ │ │ └arm left finger 2b (LeftIndexFinger2)
                │   │ │ │   └arm left finger 2c (LeftIndexFinger3)
                │   │ │ ├arm left finger 3a (LeftMiddleFinger1)
                │   │ │ │ └arm left finger 3b (LeftMiddleFinger2)
                │   │ │ │   └arm left finger 3c (LeftMiddleFinger3)
                │   │ │ ├arm left finger 4a (LeftRingFinger1)
                │   │ │ │ └arm left finger 4b (LeftRingFinger2)
                │   │ │ │   └arm left finger 4c (LeftRingFinger3)
                │   │ │ ├arm left finger 5a (LeftPinky1)
                │   │ │ │ └arm left finger 5b (LeftPinky2)
                │   │ │ │   └arm left finger 5c (LeftPinky3)
                │   │ │ └unused.004 (unused.004)
                │   │ ├unused.003 (unused.003)
                │   │ └arm left wrist tw (arm left wrist tw)
                │   └arm left shoulder tw (arm left shoulder tw)
                ├breasts (breasts)
                └arm right shoulder 1 (RightShoulder)*arm right shoulder 2 (RightArm)*arm right elbow (RightElbow)*arm right wrist (RightWrist)*
                        ├arm right finger 1a (RightThumb1)
                        │ └arm right finger 1b (RightThumb2)
                        │   └arm right finger 1c (RightThumbTip)
                        ├arm right finger 2a (RightIndexFinger1)
                        │ └arm right finger 2b (RightIndexFinger2)
                        │   └arm right finger 2c (RightIndexFinger3)
                        ├arm right finger 3a (RightMiddleFinger1)
                        │ └arm right finger 3b (RightMiddleFinger2)
                        │   └arm right finger 3c (RightMiddleFinger3)
                        ├arm right finger 4a (RightRingFinger1)
                        │ └arm right finger 4b (RightRingFinger2)
                        │   └arm right finger 4c (RightRingFinger3)
                        └arm right finger 5a (RightPinky1)
                          └arm right finger 5b (RightPinky2)
                            └arm right finger 5c (RightPinky3)

* indicates required bones

Checkout the Bone Mapper page for more information on how to map bones for XPS models.